Monday, September 14, 2009

So the knitting has been going slowly as of late, school is taking up pretty much all my time and when I'm not in class I've been reading textbooks/frantically trying to add units/freaking out about life in general/wishing it were next semester already. That last one is one of the hardest to deal with, as we're barely into this semester. Yeah. Um. I usually don't start my end-of-semester countdowns til we're at least halfway through, but this year I've started early. Only a little over 12 weeks to go! Slightly more than 3 months! Yeah...

Despite the almost-meltdown last week, things are going pretty well now. I just finished my first kitchen-dining room combo mop shift (yay!) with minimal pain and embarrassment (yay!!!) and had really tasty chicken for dinner haha. This past weekend, I went to SF to have lunch with Mom and afterwards had some absolutely incredible chocolate from Chocolate Heaven, some sort of milk chocolate marshmallow and a milk chocolate caramel marshmallow (seriously, so so good) and some milk chocolate fudge, just for good measure. It almost made everything better just from being so milk chocolate-y : )

[Here's the site, just in case you want to check it out!]

And the peer counseling orientation yesterday was really fun, a very necessary reminder of everything that I do like about being here at school. I have my first office hour tomorrow (!) and I'm excited to see how that goes.

Sooo life generally is alright for the moment, hopefully it will continue to be so for at least a little while. I could definitely use a break from stressing out over every little thing. And tomorrow I begin something that could actually help a lot with everything that's been going, so things are definitely looking up!

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